Fernando Las Heras

Fernando Fernando Las-Heras is an experience researcher who plays the role of research advisor (“investigador tutor”) in the project. In addition, he participates as researcher so that the project benefits of his mentoring skills. He has developed his research activities in a large number of fields concerning applied electromagnetics.

He received the M.S. degree in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree in 1990, both in telecommunication engineering, from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain (UPM).

From 1988 to 1990, he was a National Graduate Research Fellow. From 1991 to 2000 he held a position of Associate Professor at the Department of Signal, Systems and Radiocommunications, UPM. Since December 2003, he holds a Full-Professor position at the University of Oviedo where he was the Vice-Dean for Telecommunication Engineering at the Technical School of Engineering at Gijón from 2004 to 2008. As of 2001, he heads the research group Signal Theory and Communications TSC-UNIOVI, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Oviedo. He was a Visiting Lecturer at the National University of Engineering in Peru in 1996, a Visiting Researcher at Syracuse University, New York, USA, in 2000, and a short term Visiting Lecturer at ESIGELEC in France from 2005 to 2011. From 2005, he holds the Telefónica Chair ICTs Applied to Environment and Climate Change at the University of Oviedo and from 2010 he is a member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Council of Asturias, and member of the board of directors of the IEEE Spain Section. He has authored over 300 articles published in academic journals and proceedings of international conferences, mainly in the areas of antenna design and the inverse electromagnetic problem with applications in diagnostic, measurement and synthesis of antennas, phaseless techniques, propagation, and microwave to THz imaging and localization, as well as in engineering education.